Daily life for the people of Planet M depends upon where they live. Whether conditions are good or bad, every person on Planet M puts their faith in either magic or technology - or both - to make their lives easier or more productive.

For example, the Steel Barons use their mastery of steam technology to keep their nomadic city airborne, while the Elves and Sylvans use elemental magic to preserve their natural habitats and fend off intruders. The Laconians use the power of industry to run their enormous cities, or to create formidable instruments of war, while the Malagans use highly advanced technologies to defend against the icy wastelands surrounding them.

Sindel Aerie is an example of how magic and technology of just about every kind can be used in collaboration to build instead of destroy, just as the Lillians and Jotuns use their expert craftsmanship to create artwork and gadgets enjoyed all over the world. Then there is the Knights Academy, which teaches its students how to make use magic and technology to protect themselves and others...