3600 miles of abandoned pipeline - sewers, aqueducts, underground maintenance routes. 900 miles of subway tunnels - remnants of a not too distant time, now all but forgotten. Hundreds of thousands of small caverns - air pockets left behind from when the new land formed from molten rock. All of this infrastructure lies just beneath the cities of Laconia, neglected after the nation's complete reconstruction nearly 300 years ago.

But the tunnels, the hive-like caverns, the natural pathways - they've belonged to the Lillia since ancient times. When the humans built their filthy, noisy cities on top of them, it only further convinced them of what they already felt instinctively - that the surface world was a hostile and unforgiving place.

They had always made their living underground, anyway, trading precious stones, minerals, fresh water, and other treasures with the peoples of the surface, for lessons in magic, various delicacies, and bits of technology. After the aqueducts and subway tunnels were abandoned, the Lillia had the option of letting the rotting structures further pollute the land, or to incorporate it into their own habitat. Having come to fully understand human technology by this time, they decided to renovate and restore the infrastructure, and over the next few years change it into a thriving subterranean metropolis.

Today, the Urban Coil is a massive web-like network of tunnels and pipeline, every wall lined with something of interest from improvisational art to makeshift residences to a collection of small shops. Eventually, the Urban Coil also became a refuge for the outcasts of the surface world, such as the mentally challenged, criminals and fugitives, the homeless, and people with terminal illnesses looking for a place to die with dignity - away from the fearful and sometimes accusing glares of the healthy and wealthy.

These transplants, if nothing else, have helped mend the gap between humans and Lillia. Although relations are still strained, and the Lillia are skeptical of outsiders, the Urban Coil opens twice a year to the general public for "The Bizarre", a massive marketplace where traders from far, wide, and deep come to exchange goods and services.

The one rule of the Bizarre is that visitors must leave all their stresses and tensions and troubles on the surface before entering. For the most part the event goes off without incident, but never too far from line of sight or earshot are the Redguard, the Lillian military elite, who in spite of their size are known across the planet as some of the fiercest soldiers anywhere. They serve as the buffer between the generally peaceful Lillia and their disenfranchised charges from Laconia, and an increasingly hostile surface world.